Kris Fitzgerald Reinstated to Lake Wales City Commission Seat

City Commissioner Kris Fitzgerald has been reinstated to her seat on the Lake Wales City Commission nearly two years after her suspension by Governor Ron DeSantis following her arrest on felony charges. Her acquittal on all charges in a jury trial last October allowed for her resumption of service. Fitzgerald served only two months of her elected term prior to being suspended.

To Tired Blue People Living in Red America: Keep Going

I’ve spoken to a lot of exhausted people this week, even with the good news that many of us have experienced through this country.

Though, nationally there was no massive Red Wave as predicted by the pollsters and the media, these activists and caring human beings have been battered by the surrounding flood waters for a long time now.

They are self-proclaimed blue dots living in red areas who are tired of fighting what feels like a losing battle.