About Us

About the Lake Ashton Democratic Club...

The Lake Ashton Democratic Club (LADC) of Polk County, Florida is an active political organization that serves as a common meeting ground for all Democrats. Dedicated to furthering the ideals of the Democratic Party, we also welcome non-party affiliated kindred spirits. If you are not already a member, please visit us at a meeting or at one of our local events. You’ll get to speak with candidates for office, hear interesting programs and meet with people who share your views about politics and government.

Our primary objective is to work for the election of Democrats at every level of government. You can help us in this goal by participating in our events and assisting in the campaigns. Our goal is to help get as many Democrats registered to vote as possible and get them to the polls on election days. We believe that community involvement is an essential component of a well-functioning democracy. A democratic system requires the active participation of informed citizens who will bring diverse ideas and priorities to the work of promoting and protecting the values held sacred by our country’s founders. If you feel the want or need to do something, this is your opportunity. We are action oriented. If you have energy or talent or commitment, or any or all of the three, this is the place for you.

Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you are a lifelong Democrat, a former member, independent, or just thinking of joining, we welcome your participation in our club.

Without Your Vote, We Will Lose Our Democracy!